Data spaces are a mechanism for securely sharing data within a community. The data owners and data subjects (i.e., individuals and organizations) can determine who is allowed to do what, when, and for what purpose with their data – and thus retain data sovereignty.
You can learn more about data spaces here.
The following user groups are part of the Forest Data Space (FDS):
Based on your role and the data you upload, the following general data sharing and usage policies are applied to data that you bring into the FDS.
Note: For all access options additional rules and policies apply

Forest Owners and Practioners that act on the behalf of Owners
These users upload their own data to the FDS and are called “Data Subjects” in accordance to EU Data regulation.

System Integrators
These users want to access data in the FDS coverage service and the ProMCDA-based ranking service to offer scenarios in their software

Data Intermediary
Data Intermediaries operate the central infrastructure of the data space and are responsible for the development of the technical and organizational infrastructure. This role is currently taken by wetransform GmbH.

Forest data managers
These users upload data that they created or hold to manage stands on behalf of forest owners and practitioners. These users, such as State Forests, associations and management companies are called “Data Holders” in accordance with EU Data Regulation.

Researchers want to develop new tools and models based on a large data pool, e.g. representatives of Forstliche Versuchsanstalten and Universities
Upload to Data Intermediary by Data Subject
As a forest owner or practioner, you upload either minimal or extended Forest Inventory (FI) data on your stands to improve the quality of the scenario simulations. The Data Intermediary then processes and stores that data. You may, at any point, request deletion of all uploaded FI data. Derived and anonymized data may be retained by the data intermediary.
Access for Researchers
Researchers need to be accredited (their identity with respect to the research organisation needs to be verified), and their research proposal needs to be reviewed and accepted by the Data Intermediary. The Data Intermediary informs all Data Subjects and Data Holders of any new research being conducted on the data.
Generally, Researchers may only access data in the FDS Coverage Service, which contains no information that falls under GDPR. In special cases and with permission of a body representing the data holders and subjects, access to data in the Feature API such as the original FI data may also be granted.
Upload to Data Intermediary by Data Holder
The same data usage policies as for data subjects apply, but the data holder has to have consent from the respective data subjects.
Access through Integrated Software through FDS API
There are several software tools and platforms for forest management which can benefit from integrating the data in the FDS. Principally, such Software may access any data in the FDS Coverage Service.
Access through Connector provided by Data Holder or Data Subject
As an alternative to uploading data to the Data Intermediary, the Data Holder (or the Data Subject) may provide their own Data Space Connector and expose the FI data asset through it. In this scenario, the Data Holder or Data Subject connects FI data by operating an IDSA protocol 0.8+ compliant Data Spaces connector. The Data Intermediary then processes the FI data and stores the derived data only.